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Monaro Schools Cluster
Monaro Schools Cluster

Monaro Schools Cluster

Key Features & Achievements
  • New Bungendore High School with initial capacity of 500 students
  • Refurbishment of council buildings into new classrooms
  • Repositioning of local traffic thoroughfares to allow for expanded school campus
  • New playing field surface, field lighting, and amenities
  • New Jerrabomberra High School with 500 pupil initial capacity
  • Modern methods of construction with modular components employed at both sites
Project Profile

The Monaro Cluster of Schools programme will ensure new schools within the Monaro electorate meet the projected increased demand of students living in the catchments and future proof the schools to cater for forecast enrolment and teaching space demand.

Under a new initiative by Schools Infrastructure NSW (SINSW) and the NSW Department of Education, a $285m package of works will adopt modern methods of construction through a DfMA (Design for Manufacture and Assembly) approach. This emphasis by government aims to stimulate the modular construction market by enriching industry experience and allowing contractors to refine delivery execution.

Following successful collaboration on some of Hindmarsh’s largest education projects, Codicote was again requested to assist in their bid for the largest phase of the Monaro Schools Cluster project for the Very Early Contractor Involvement (VECI) contract to deliver both the new Bungendore and Jerrabomberra High Schools valued at $140m.

Under this proposal Hindmarsh was to prove their knowledge of modern methods of construction via programme and written methodology. Codicote’s knowledge of innovative market methodologies allowed a comprehensive response to State Government’s qualitative criteria ensuring Hindmarsh was successful against incumbent contractors who had previously delivered pilot schools under SINSW DfMA program.

The Bungendore High School involves refurbishment of council buildings, repositioning of local traffic thoroughfare, and deployment of modular units making up the new High School. Wider works include resurfacing playing fields, repurposing the community library into classrooms as well as amenities to Public School facilities. Jerrabomberra High School will be a greenfield development on newly purchased land to facilitate growth around the Canberra region with new facilities catering for 500 pupils.


  • Hindmarsh


  • Hindmarsh


  • Clarke Keller
  • SQC Architecture


  • > $140m

Project Completion:

  • Completion Due 2022


  • Hindmarsh


  • Hindmarsh


  • Clarke Keller
  • SQC Architecture


  • > $140m

Project Completion:

  • Completion Due 2022

